Al McLeod is a North Georgia based photographer currently living in Jefferson, GA. A retired teacher, he graduated from Berry College with an BS in art, and the University of Georgia where he received a Masters Degree in Education.  This art background and training form the basis of his photography. 

Upon moving from Rome to Jefferson in 1991 he bought his first film camera and made the transition from fine art to photography. Following the adage “photograph what you love,” Al first started shooting the dog sport of schutzhund and musicians in live performance. 

Making the transition to digital opened up new possibilities and eventually led to long term gigs with bluegrass and folk festivals where he was privileged to shoot many "A list" acts as well as a host of lesser known ones. He has since continued with these themes, later adding portraiture, other sports and landscapes into the mix.

Although he still enjoys photographing the same earlier subject matter, particularly sports, recent years have reflected a growing interest in studio portrait photography and image manipulation. Al believes that “a photographer takes pictures but an artist makes images.”

Other interests that inform his images include performing music, table tennis, and travel.