What a wonderful program!  All photographers (and citizens) should be thankful for Jim Alexander's many decades spent photographing the continuing struggle for full realization of everyone's civil and human rights.

Seeing so many examples of his iconic images, from the 1960's to today, emphasizes the fact that our natural rights, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, must be continually protected and defended.  And, that we must always insist they apply to everyone. 

Peace Symbol in Skywriting discussed by Jim Alexander

I'm amazed that Mr. Alexander continues to produce superb images documenting our current civil and human rights struggles.  This collage collects some of his visions of today's struggles for peace and justice - including the American Flag oriented as a symbol of distress.

Today's Distress discussed by Jim Alexander

The wealth of creative musicians, authors and others that he continues to document also reinforced with me the importance of all modes of freedom of expression to our civic strength.  As with music, I'm reminded of the old adage, "Music is that which cannot be put into words, yet, never-the-less cannot remain silent."

Jim Alexander discusses his images of musicians

I and all who attended took great joy in Jim's images and in further recognizing the roles that photography can and should play in pursuit of truth and justice.

A rapt crowd enjoys Jim Alexander's talk

I join with many others in urging that the Jim Alexander Collection find homes that will preserve this invaluable record for posterity.  If we forget the past we inevitably commit ourselves to repeat it (if we are lucky).

Jim Alexander (center) and Atlanta Photographic Society representatives (L and R)  Jim Harrison and Al McLeod