The judges scores are in and all the awards for this year’s Salon Exhibition were distributed during the Awards Reception on Friday, Oct. 21, 2016.  First Place Color, Best in Show, and the People’s Choice Award all went to Mike Shaefer’s evocative Winter Roundup.


Winter Roundup by Mike Shaefer

First Place Monochrome was awarded to Chris Handley for Poison Ivy.


Poison Ivy by Chris Handley

In my humble opinion this has been our best show ever.  Numerous superb images received well-deserved awards and all the great images entered were enjoyed by the numerous gallery visitors.  Congratulations to all our award winners!

Award Winners - Salon Exhibition 2016

Monochrome Awards

1st Place       Poison Ivy by Chris Handley

2nd Place      Man and Behemoth by Darryl Neill

3rd Place      Blower Room - Sloss Furnaces by Janerio Morgan

HM                Mother at the Well - Katmandu, Nepal by Marc McElhaney

(Note: HM = Honorable Mention)

Color Awards

1st Place, Best in Show and Peoples’ Choice Award    

                     Winter Roundup by Marc Shaefer

2nd Place     Water Lilly by Janerio Morgan

3rd Place      Check Out My New App by Marc McElhaney

HM               Great Egret Rookery by Don Stephens

HM               First Course at the Crab Shack by Don Stephens

HM               Colors of the Ocean by Shekar Narayanan

HM               Daffodil Perspective by Jim Harrison

HM               Biking in the Marigny by Brandon Ward

HM               Don’t Go by Brandon Ward

HM               Dawn, Waterrock Knob by Darryl Neill

HM               Eye on the Prize by Brad Bartee

Please be sure to view all the award winning images in our Salon 2016 Winners Gallery.


A Guest Votes for the People’s Choice Award

All our members, volunteers and guests loved how the show displayed in UUCA’s superb gallery.  The new LED spot track lights were fantastic and make it very easy to get good light on every image.  And the new hanging system continues to look and work great; it made hanging so many images (we had a total of 64 photographs this year) quick and painless.  We are proud to have collaborated (planning, labor and resources) with UUCA and their Art Committee to implement the hanging system!

Enjoying Food, Conversation and Fine Images at the Awards Reception

A big thank you goes to this year’s judges, Ron Sherman,  Nicole Tyler and Russ Colegrove, for discerning the best among the many fine images entered, to Janerio Morgan who did a fine job as Chair of the Salon Exhibition 2016, to our many volunteer members who hung the show & provided food and libations for the awards reception, and to the many guests who attended the show!


Judges: Ron Sherman, Nicole Tyler and Russ Colegrove, and Salon Chair: Janerio Morgan

Seeing that ten different APS members received awards emphasizes the wide range of photographic talent we are blessed with.  Let’s keep pushing our creativity!

Jim Harrison, President

Atlanta Photographic Society