APS is truly blessed with many creative photographers. This wealth of talent was definitely in evidence for this year's Salon, with 10 different APS photographers receiving awards. Here are the top winning images from Salon 2017

Best in Show for 2017 went to the very inventive, back-lit Monochrome film image, White Shirt by Brandon Ward .

The People's Choice Award continues to grow in popularity with over 35 voters this year.  People's Choice 1st Place went to Darwin's Arch by Janerio Morgan.

And First Place Color went to the beautiful multi-layered Walking Alone by Rohit Kamboj. 

All of this year's award winning Salon images and photographers are listed here:


1st - Walking Alone by Rohit Kamboj

2nd - Big Sky Riders by Mike Shaefer

3rd - On the Edge of Courage by Mike Shaefer

HM - Alterpiece by Al Mcleod

HM - Jellyfish Dream by Malaina Hudson

HM - Sky Typers by Brad Bartee

HM - Atlantic Sunrise by Brad Bartee

HM - Smoky Planes by Rohit Kamboj


1st - White Shirt by Brandon Ward

2nd - Sharp Turn by Rohit Kamboj

3rd - Waiting for Her by Marc McElhaney

HM - Dark Sky by Janerio Morgan

HM - Ferris Wheel by Marc McElhaney

HM - Street Games by Mike Shaefer

Best in Show

White Shirt by Brandon Ward

People's Choice

1st - Darwin's Arch by Janerio Morgan

2nd - America the Beautiful by Darryl Neil

3rd - Crepuscularity by Hassan Ali

3rd Place Mono - Waiting for Her by Marc McElhaney


A big thank you goes to our three judges for this year's Salon! Please check out their web sites, and their service and workshop offerings. They are always giving back to photography, so be sure to support them.

John Mason, The Photographers Studio (TPS)

The Photographers Studio is an educational and cultural nonprofit dedicated to photography. We provide a resource for photographers of all levels: students, working artists, professional photographers, educators and photo-enthusiasts. The center provides affordable studio and classroom space, as well as printing, film scanning, photographic education and guidance. Our goal is to build a community where photo enthusiasts can come together to learn, create, discuss and show their work. 

Website: http://tps-atlanta.com/

Mary Anne Mitchell

Mary Anne Mitchell is a fine art photographer working primarily with analog processes. Her most recent series Meet me In my Dreams is shot using wet plate collodion. The images depict situations, often mysterious, which evoke her southern roots. She recently was a finalist in the 8th Edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Awards and has been invited to exhibit some of this series in the 4th Biennial of Photography to be held in Berlin this fall. Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions across the country and can be found in private and corporate collections across the US, Dubai, Taiwan, and Canada. She lives in Atlanta, GA. 

Website: http://www.maryannemitchellphotography.com/   

Wet Plate Collodion Workshop – November 4th – Cost: $150

Mary Anne will be teaching an introduction to the wet plate collodion process at TPS. It is also known as tintype and is an historical process first used in the 1850s. The workshop will introduce students to the process with a demonstration and then each participant will have the opportunity to make wet plate images to take home with them.

Website: https://www.meetup.com/atlanta-studio-photography/events/243310545/

Robin Davis

Born in Savannah, Robin grew up spending her summers on Jekyll Island and the Georgia Coast. She is a graduate of the University of Georgia, and in 1984, attended the UGA Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy, which deeply influenced her approach to the medium of photography.

Currently, she divides her time between Atlanta and Cortona, where she has been teaching the Cortona Center of Photography workshops since 1998. In addition to the Italy Workshop in Tuscany, her US photography workshop locations include Coastal Georgia, Savannah Georgia Charleston South Carolina, St. Simons Island photography workshops and Jekyll Island.

As an artist and photographer, she has researched and worked extensively with a variety of unique photographic techniques, blending tradition with experimentation to achieve painterly and illustrative images.

Website: http://www.robindavis.com/home.php