PSA-PID Competitions Reorganized

For 2023 the Photographic Society of America's (PSA's) Projected Image Division (PID) competitions are now separated into distinct Color and Monochrome categories. Previously, color and monochrome images were judged together. Now monochrome images are judged as a group, and color images are judged as a different group.

That's great because we can now enter six (6) monochrome images and six (6) color images for each round of the competition. That's a total of twelve (12) images for each of the three rounds - 36 images each year. Previously, when mono and color were all together, we could only enter six (6) images for each round - just 18 images each year.

2023 First Round Color Results

In the first round Color competition APS's Michael Amos earned an Honorable Mention for Ocean Blue and Mike Shaefer won a Merit Award (Blue Ribbon) for Sweet Cascade.

Overall, after round one of the Color competition, APS is tied for 9th place among the 25 photography clubs competing in Group C.

Ocean Blue by Michael Amos

Sweet Cascade by Mike Shaefer

2023 First Round Monochrome Results

For the first round Monochrome competition APS's Mike Shaefer garnered an Honorable Mention for Potential Energy and Vivian Lynch received a Merit Award (Blue Ribbon) for Broken Angle. (Incidentally, Vivian Lynch is now included in our club's Master Photographers with her Craftsman/Craftswoman distinction!)

After round one of the Monochrome competition, APS is tied for 2nd place among the 15 clubs competing in Group C.

Potential Energy by Mike Shaefer

Broken Angle by Vivian Lynch

Congratulations and Thanks!

Congratulations to Michael, Mike and Vivian for these well deserved awards for their great images! Thank you to Marc McElhaney who coordinates our entries in the PSA competitions. And thanks to the many PSA volunteers for running these fun competitions every year. We think your spiffy new award certificates look super!