Master Photographer Steve Director's talk for our March 2024 program provided a high level introduction to all aspects of photographing the Milky Way. 

Steve Director explains the gear needed for Photographing the Milky Way

What Steve Covered

  • How to plan the shoot (including an introduction to, and demonstration of, the PhotoPills app)
  • What gear is needed (both essential and optional, including an introduction to a star tracker)
  • How to successfully photograph the Milky Way (including the best camera settings as well as the use of a star tracker)
  • How to post process Milky Way images (from using only Lightroom to more advanced approaches using Photoshop)

His numerous instructive examples of procedures and options for processing Milky Way images were very instructive and inspiring!

A Milky Way Processing Example

He provided an extensive rundown of how to capture Milky Way images using a star tracker, and without a tracker.

Steve Director's Star Tracker Set Up

For those who missed his program Steve kindly provided the slides for his Milky Way photography talk. This resource will also be very helpful for everyone who witnessed his presentation.

I'm sure that all attending were inspired by Steve's crisp, clear instructions. His Milky Way images provide even more inspiration! Thanks Steve!!

Milky Way Over Highland Light by Steve Director